Tuesday, April 14, 2009



The evolutionist historical perspective studies the history of mankind by dividing it up into several periods, just as it does with the supposed course of evolution itself. Such fictitious concepts as the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age are an important part of the evolutionist chronology. Since this imaginary picture is presented in schools and in television and newspaper stories, most people accept this imaginary picture without question and imagine that human beings once lived in an era when only primitive stone tools were used and technology was unknown.

Yet when archaeological findings and scientific facts are examined, a very different picture emerges. The traces and remains that have come down to the present—the tools, needles, flute fragments, personal adornments and decorations—show that in cultural and social terms, humans have always lived civilized lives in all periods of history.

There Never Was A Stone Age

In the supposed period described by evolutionists as the stone age, people worshipped, listened to the message preached by the envoys sent to them, constructed buildings, cooked food in their kitchens, chatted with their families, visited their neighbors, had tailors sew clothes for them, were treated by doctors, took an interest in music, painted, made statues and, in short, lived perfectly normal lives. As the archaeological findings show, there have been changes in technology and accumulated knowledge over the course of history, but human beings have always lived as human beings.

This Late Neolithic necklace made from stones and shells now only reveals the artistry and tastes of the people of the time, but also that they possessed the technology needed to produce such decorative objects.

Doors, a model table and a spoon dating back to 7-11,000 BC provide important information about the living standards of the people of the time. According to evolutionists, people at that time had only recently adopted a settled lifestyle and were only newly becoming civilized. Yet these materials show that there was nothing missing from the culture of these people, and that they lived a fully civilized existence. Just like we do today, these people sat at tables, ate using plates, knives, spoons and forks, played host to guests, offered them refreshments and, in short, lived regular lives. When the findings are examined as a whole it can be seen that, with their artistic understanding, medical knowledge, technical means and daily lives, Neolithic people lived human lives just like those before and after them.

12,000-Year-Old Beads

In the light of archaeological discoveries these stones, dating back to around 10,000 BC, were used as beads. The perfect holes in the stones are particularly noteworthy. Such holes cannot be made by hitting the object with a stone. Tools made out of steel or iron must have been used to make such perfectly regular holes in such hard stones.

A 12,000-Year-Old Button

These bone buttons, used around 10,000 BC, show that the people of the time had a clothing culture. A society that uses buttons also has to know about sewing, cloth and weaving.

The flutes in the picture are an average of 95,000 years old. People who lived tens of thousands of years ago possessed a musical culture.

A 12,000-Year-Old Copper Awl

This copper awl dating back to around 10,000 BC is evidence that mines and metals were known about and used in the period in question. Copper ore, found in crystal or powder form, appears in seam form in old, hard rocks. A society that made a copper awl must have recognized copper ore, managed to extract it from inside the rock and have had the technological means with which to work it. This shows that they had not just stopped being primitive, as evolutionists maintain.

9-10,000-Year-Old Needles And Awl

These needles and awl, which go back to around 7-8000 BC, are important evidence of the cultural lives of the people of the time. People who use awls and needles clearly led fully human lives, and not animal ones as evolutionists maintain.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, people lived in houses, engaged in agriculture, exchanged goods, produced textiles, ate, visited relatives, took an interest in music, made paintings, treated the sick, performed their acts of worship and, in short, lived normal lives just as they do today. People who heeded the prophets sent by God came to have faith in Him, the One and Only, while others worshipped idols. Believers with faith in God abided by the moral values commanded by Him, while others engaged in superstitious practices and deviant rites. At all times in history, just as today, there have been people who believed in the existence of God, as well as pagans and atheists.

Of course, throughout history, there have of course always been those living under simpler, more primitive conditions as well as societies living civilized lives. But this by no means constitutes evidence for the so-called evolution of history. Because while one part of the world is launching shuttles into space, people in other lands are still unacquainted with electricity. Yet this does not mean that those who build spacecraft are mentally or physically more advanced—and have progressed further down the supposed evolutionary road and become more culturally evolved—nor that the others are closer to their “ancestral” ape-men. These merely indicate differences in cultures and civilizations.